Part 1: Being too hot spots, fearless!
Truong Chau Huu Danh is the only journalist to access and give information on the death penalty in an unjustly sentenced to death Ho Duy Hai from the investigation period up to now. Huu Danh has been at the forefront of all the hot spots, taking the lead in combating dirty BOT, unearthing Thu Thiem injustice, entering the forest to welcome Dang Van Hien to surrender, … being arrested is only a matter of time. Why was Huu Danh arrested in the middle of the 14th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)?
Like journalist Pham Doan Trang, it is inevitable that journalist Truong Chau Huu Danh will be arrested, the question is when, and for what reason. Pham Doan Trang goes into deep commentary explaining human rights democracy issues, while Truong Chau Huu Danh is engaged in investigating and breaking through most of the hot events in the country. Huu Danh’s working methods are also different from others, which is to take advantage of all technical means from cameras, phones, flycam, recordings,…. use all types of communication, text, video clips, and images to convey vivid and visual information to the public. Moreover, not only describing the event, but Huu Danh also delved deeply into the root-in-law, who, which officers were involved in the incident and brought it to light.
Journalists are tirelessly engaged
A typical example is the Hello Coffee shop in Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City was cleared and the shop owner was prosecuted arbitrarily, many newspapers covered the case but only stopped at clearing the restaurant and prosecuting the shopkeeper illegally. This mistake was said by Major General Phan Anh Minh – deputy director of the HCM City Police Department that the mistake was “as small as a nail.” Huu Danh is not afraid to investigate further and named the official: “There is a flow of public opinion that this noodle shop competes with the police canteen, so it is suppressed, other information flows say that because of Colonel Nguyen Van Quy wanting to buy the “gold” lot of the restaurant so that he can “handle” the owner. Mr. Quy’s superior – General Phan Anh Minh, confirmed that the incident in Binh Chanh was as minor as a nail. Minh said his subordinates did not do wrong, but mechanically and in a hurry.
And, while the “minor case” of Binh Chanh was lying on the table of the Prime Minister, the “toenail” appeared – also in Binh Chanh, seething public opinion. It turns out, not only Mr. Nguyen Van Tan – the owner of Xin Chao/Hello was prosecuted. The person who leased the land to Mr. Tan, Mr. Nguyen Van Bi- was also prosecuted. Mr. Bi is “guilty” of rebuilding the duck barn on agricultural land. The person who signed the decision, no one else, was also Colonel Quy. The life of the people, with just one signature, is true nails and toenails. No more.” (first)
It was followed by dozens of other articles by Huu Danh and colleagues, so the “nail” had to break. The superiors must dismiss the Deputy Director of the District People’s Committee and the Chief of the Police Department of Binh Chanh district.
In the serious case of Trinh Xuan Thanh, it started with a private car with a blue license plate, the first image information was from journalist Phuong Nguyen (Saigon Liberation newspaper) with pictures of Lexus cars, but the next series of investigations about the real owner vehicle tricks to borrow the driver’s name in the name of the car owner … from journalist Huu Danh. (2) Is this a coincidence or a deliberate arrangement that from Trinh Xuan Thanh’s riding the luxury car led to the grand trial of Politburo member Dinh La Thang going to court?
Many times escaping dangers
Therefore, Truong Chau Huu Danh is an annoying thorn for many people. Many times, journalist Huu Danh was detained, assaulted by gangsters, or summoned to police for interrogation.
In 2016, Huu Danh almost died when he flossed tiger teeth with a series of articles about the villa worth a thousand billion by Major General Tran Ky Roi- police chief in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak. The report is quite detailed with a full image of the magnificent wooden mansion, the monumental coffee The old space on Y Moan street, Tan Loi Ward, Buon Ma Thuot City over 4000 square meters of land owned by General Tran Ky Roi. But through the “inspection” of the local government, General Roi “is only the owner of the land” while the assets on the land are mainly contributed by other people. General Roi’s daughter, police captain, owns only a small portion of the property and the construction wood is usually not precious wood. After this case, Huu Danh left Dan Viet to write for the Lang Moi version of this newspaper.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Loan voices about the injustice of her child death inmate Ho Duy Hai
In the Ho Duy Hai case, before State President Truong Tan Sang directed the postponement of the execution of the sentence, Long An Police had a secret letter requesting the arrest of journalist Truong Chau Huu Danh.
On social networks, government-backed groups of public opinion shapers like the Du Luan Vien, the Red Flag Association, and AK47 attacked and slandered all kinds of things, Huu Danh still stubbornly looks them like trash. Even with people like Nguyen Sin – a type of thug, the police sunk on the Internet, Huu Danh also challenges meeting and teaching in the voice of a gangster. Huu Danh also helped those who were hired to protect dirty BOTs but later being denounced and imprisoned after being ignored by BOTs’ owners.
Journalist Thai Van Duong reported on his Facebook “The Procuracy approved the arrest of Huu Danh on October 20, but because of the intervention of Mr. Sau Dat (Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh) so it has not been implemented.” It is unclear whether this information is correct or not, a source close to him said that in mid-November, Huu Danh was detained for 2 nights in Hanoi, but after these challenges, Huu Danh was still eager and enthusiastic to write until the day of his arrest.
His articles name senior officials
Hearing the news that Huu Danh was arrested, a stubborn anti-negative writer complained: “I talk all the time not to attack individuals but he doesn’t listen!” But some people argue “The wrongdoing is made by the individual, the crimes cannot be stopped without naming the individual to light. You cannot work against corruption without attacking individuals!”
Many colleagues also thought that journalist Huu Danh was arrested for touching the interests, power or causing danger to the interests of someone prior to the 13th National Congress of the ruling party.
Transport Minister Nguyen Van The.
Only since 2016 until now, journalist Huu Danh has been at the forefront of most hot spots in the country and touched no less than 10 senior officials. Together with the group “Bạn Hữu Đường Xa/Friendly Drivers” stirred up the anti-dirty BOT movement across the country, calling Minister Nguyen Van The with the nickname “The Pangasius.” But Mr. The is now like a fish lying on a cutting board, breathing heavily in General To Lam’s hand, with many eczema marks, so he could not attack Huu Danh.
With the Bac Ninh province’s Secretary Nguyen Nhan Chien appointing his son Nguyen Nhan Chinh as the secretary of the Party Committee in Bac Ninh city, Huu Danh pulled a whole bunch of people out.
If anyone says that this is a family tradition, nepotism, it is not the correct nature. Because this is the tradition of Bac Ninh province.
The predecessor of Secretary Chien was Secretary Tran Van Tuy. Mr. Tuy has son-in-law Vuong Quoc Tuan, who is the predecessor of Mr. Chien’s son. After leaving his position to Chinh, Mr. Tuan was additionally elected by the Provincial People’s Council to be the vice-chairman of Bac Ninh Provincial People’s Committee. (Mr. Tuy is currently the head of the Working Party Committee of the National Assembly Standing Committee).
But two cadres Chinh – Tuan (Mr. Tuan is capable, qualified) is nothing compared to the son of Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Cong Ngo – who was the predecessor of Secretary Tuy (later to be the vice-chairman of Central Inspection Commission of the party’s Central Committee). Nguyen Cong Ngo’s son is Nguyen Cong Thang – born in 1983. At his age of 30 years, Mr. Thang was the district Secretary, in 2019, at the age of 36, he was the head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization committee.
If the schedule is right, Mr. Thang will be the alternate member of the Central Committee and hold the Secretary of the Provincial Party someday.
His move is the peak of wisdom.” (2 a)
Huu Danh summarized this tough battle “In nearly 20 articles I wrote about Bac Ninh, the battle of father Chien and son Chinh, now check that FB has blocked the display more than half! Many of you do not understand, thinking that I got agreements to delete the post.” (2 a)
But this incident also ended happily. The princeling only worked as a secretary for a few days and was transferred to the deputy director of a provincial department.
Recently, the 9,000 square meters riverside land of the wife of Binh Duong Provincial Secretariat bought at a cheap price, evaded taxes, and built the wrong planning, Huu Danh also has dozens of articles on the typical Fb such as “Which exit for Mr. Nam’s wife?”
Recently, criminals have attacked a lot of articles about 9,000 square meters of riverside land for only VND100 million ($4,000) of the wife of the secretary of Binh Duong – Mr. Tran Van Nam. Many articles have been removed, and articles on FB have also been blocked from being displayed because of “local law.”
Short story: The land of 9,000 square meters of beautiful river view in Ben Cat, Binh Duong is considered by real estate to be super-rich, with money is not easy to buy.
The land and works on the land area in the name of Mrs. Pham Mai Hoa (born in 1966, permanent residence at 134/4, 3 0/4 street, zone 2, Phu Hoa ward, Thu Dau Mot city). Notably, Ms. Hoa is the wife of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Mr. Tran Van Nam.
The price of the land for the couple, the secretary only costs VND100 million for 9,000 square meters of rare riverside land.
In particular, the public is raising tax evasion questions that need to be received, clarified by functional departments of Binh Duong province, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the General Department of Taxation, … soon.
In this case, I’ve been sticking around for almost half a year, and so far I can say: Central is in action!”(5)
This punch went into the air, Mr. Nam remained still after the Party Congress (3), so it was not Nam’s attack to kill Huu Danh.
With the Ho Duy Hai case, Huu Danh is the only journalist in Vietnam pursuing through all stages of the proceedings. Especially after the cassation trial of 17 supreme judges, a secret hand transferred to journalist Huu Danh dozens of extremely important pyrotechnics that probing that the alibi of Ho Duy Hai was abandoned by someone. Out of the case file, not only the lawyers but also Ms. Le Thi Nga – thought of the National Assembly’s supervisory delegation, as well as Chief Justice Nguyen Hoa Binh could not know these important alibis. Journalist Huu Danh handed these documents to lawyer Tran Hong Phong to report to the authorities to continue to complain and apply for reopening the case.
From certain sources of information, Huu Danh is very optimistic and once posted on Fb encouraging everyone, do not be afraid that two Binh (Truong Hoa Binh- deputy PM and Nguyen Hoa Binh) continue to advance, after the 13th National Congress, there will be a good outcome for Ho Duy Hai. Therefore, this case was not the reason for Huu Danh’s arrest.
Thoibao.de (Translated)
Source: https://www.rfa.org/vietnamese/news/blog/why-huu-danh-arrested-12192020102910.html
2a- https://www.facebook.com/huudanh.truong.5