On May 19, in Hanoi, the Central Commission on Propaganda and Education chaired and coordinated with the Central Commission on Organization, the Central Theory Council, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, to organize a national scientific conference on building revolutionary ethical standards of cadres and party members in the new period.
The seminar was very enthusiastic, bringing together senior officials of the Party, such as Nguyen Xuan Thang, Politburo member, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council, Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics; Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Secretary of the Party Central Committee cum Head of the Central Commission on Propaganda and Education, etc. The seminar with the theme “Strengthening the resistance of cadres and party members to many anti-defamation claims.”
In fact, the concept of “rebellion” is only the opinion of the Communist Party. The party believes that it is always right, so any analysis of the regime’s defects is referred to as “rebellion.” For many years and perhaps as long as the party is in power, the Communist Party has confused the concept that anti-Party is anti-country.
Thoibao.de is a free newspaper, not controlled by any political force. We speak and write in the spirit of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, which civilized countries, including Germany, have promoted. The job of the press is to tell the truth, not to cover it up. Vietnamese people need to know the truth.
Thoibao.de makes news based on facts created by the Communist Party itself. So, when the Communist Party itself creates an event, with the duty of a newspaper, we have to report, analyze and comment. The level, the value of the news, and the level of quality of an analysis, are judged by the audience. Currently, we broadcast news on our website, on Youtube and on Facebook.
It is a fact that Thoibao.de was attacked by hidden forces such as Force 47, with the number of tens of thousands of soldiers, and the force of public opinion shappers. Their aim is to reduce the interaction of Thoibao.de channels, and even destroy the page, if possible. The most remarkable thing is, they used the technique to destroy us, while we didn’t hit them in the same way. Such a beating is called “beating below the belt” by the Vietnamese.
Thoibao we look at the dark areas of the regime that the Party wants to hide from the people. If the Communist Party really wants to get better, it would have corrected itself by fixing institutional errors and eliminating incompetent leaders. But not! They never do that, they use propaganda to cover their flaws and use their peope to beat critics below the waist.
With Thoibao.de as a newspaper, with protection, with security, but still heavily affected. Those who use personal Facebook to write down what they see and hear, happening every day inside the regime, but are constantly being attacked by the party’s force, it is difficult for them to resist. Many Facebookers have lost their accounts, and even the Communist Party ordered the police to arrest people, and punish them with pre-determined sentences.
Today, everyone understands, as a citizen of Vietnam, either to remain silent about the injustice and negativity of the regime, or to accept imprisonment. The whole propaganda apparatus against the people was not enough, the Party also mobilized tens of thousands of public opinion shappers, tens of thousands of soldiers from Force 47 and used the police to silence the people. With such an approach, is the Party actually against the people, or the people against the Party?
The problems of the country always comes from the disease of the government. Vietnam is a country with endowed natural resources, and abundant human resources. However, for many years the Communist Party has ruled, the country has fallen into disrepair. The most frightening thing is that people, the factors that make up the nation’s people, seem to have no more positive energy. From the political elite to the social environment, everything is ruined. With such a country, there is a great need for many voices for the truth. However, when the voice for the truth speaks out, the Communist Party labels it as “rebellion.”
Thoibao.de (Translated)