Preventing corruption is always better than fighting corruption. Since taking power to rule the country until now, in all aspects, the Communist Party has always known only to fight but not to prevent, and the same is true in anti-corruption issues. Only during Nguyen Phu Trong’s leadership the Communist Party does fight corruption more clearly than in previous periods, but the Communist Party still could not do anything to prevent corruption.
The Communist Party is associated with the word greed, the biggest greed is greed for power. Whereas most other political parties in the world accept living together in a state apparatus, the Communist Party does not accept that. The Party alone wants to hold monopoly to control the country so that from there, they can freely profit from the Vietnamese people.
To ensure that greed is maintained, the ruling regime use both malice and evil. History has shown, the wickedness and evil of the Communist Party, when using the lives of millions of people to cause a fratricidal war, then the Party took over the whole country to take advantage.
From greed for power to greed for money is natural. Someone said, try to ask, among millions of Communist officials, who is not greedy for money, is there state official who does not seek to profit from his position? With a starving salary, but every state official has money to build a big house and buy a good car, where does the money come from? And in fact, no one in the whole Party lives off their salary but on the things that power gives them.
From such a source, it is impossible for the Communist Party to prevent corruption. If corruption is not possible, there will be no officials loyal to the Party, if the Party really prevents corruption, it can be said that the Communist Party will disintegrate on its own. And that’s why, officials are always ready to “taking from the people without leaving anything,” as former Vice State President Nguyen Thi Doan once said.
Communists are by nature greedy for fame, when they have money in hand, they want to let people know that they are rich, they are the upper class of society. Because of that nature, officials always want to show off, not hide. Thanks to that, the people understood the face of this regime, how dirty it was.
After the images of Army Major General Pham Ba Hien’s castle were exposed in the newspaper, Tuoi Tre wrote an article “Having to treat diseases with ostentatious construction.” This is clearly a sense of wanting officials with money to stop showing off, to create a beautiful face for the Party, but they don’t want to be a really clean Party? But wanting the Party to be clean is more difficult than going to the sky to pick stars. The nature of the Party is greedy, the nature of officials is also greedy, but the difference is that the Party wants to cover up, and officials want to brag.
Greed, wickedness, incompetence, are the bad things it carries in the DNA of the Party, it is because it cannot be eliminated that the Party covers it up. And it is the Communist Party that has created a huge propaganda machine to do just that. Nguyen Phu Trong’s anti-corruption is just cutting off the top, the root of corruption is as large as the army, which is the Communist Party and the one-party political institution that the Party is living and dying to protect.
Monopolizing the right to rule the country has brought the Communist Party too great benefits. They borrow foreign debt in the name of the country, and then pour that debt on the people. They use the people’s land in the name of the whole people to share the benefits. On the contrary, the country is increasingly in debt, the people are still suffering, while the officials are enjoying themselves, even leaving big assets for their future generations.
There is no other country that is as miserable as the people of Vietnam. Carrying a passport of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad is a disgrace. Because when holding this passport, all countries “check” very carefully, looking for ways to make it difficult for Vietnamese people to enter their country. Those humiliating images were brought about by the Communist Party. Because they “take everything from the people without leaving anything” so the people have to go abroad, have to find a way to hide and stay.
Thoibao.de (Translated)