Education is the foundation for creating the future society. Therefore, education needs its freedom and independence. A tree that wants to be turned into a tool people have to cut down and work on it. After using the full life of the tool, the tool is no longer useful.
Since 1946, Ho Chi Minh had conveyed the ambition of “going side by side with the world powers” in his letter to students on the opening day of school. That day, Ho Chi Minh thought about education with one right and one wrong idea. The correct idea is that education is the foundation to move the country forward, the wrong idea is that he turned education into a tool for the party. He and his Party have tried to mold submissive, obedient generations, which, of course, must destroy their creativity.
Nowadays, in civilized countries, education is free. People did not have to spend money to buy knowledge, but the l knowledge they received is high-quality. Because there, people apply liberal and humane education. That is the source of a decent society.
The Communist government, on the other hand, not only does not offer free education, but also tends to let schools be self-financed. Since then, schools have set high tuition fees, far beyond the reach of ordinary people. In Vietnam, the Communist Party sells knowledge to the people at high prices but with low quality. People can’t help but buy out of their own pocket, because if they don’t buy it, their children won’t get the necessary qualifications for later life.
A state with humanity or not, is a state that knows how to give the people the best values, not force the people to do what they want. Because the State of Vietnam is a fake state to the people, so does the education system, teaching only the values of the Party, which the civilized world threw away more than 30 years ago.
On August 15, Minister of Education Nguyen Kim Son met with teachers. Nearly 6,300 comments from educators were submitted prior to the event. This is the first time, the Minister of Education and Training has “met” to graspd the thoughts and aspirations of teachers. However, before the event took place, the Ministry of Education and Training emphasized that this was only “a sharing and encouragement session, not a dialogue and response to petition questions.” That is, Minister Son avoids questions, which, he knows, will certainly be difficult for him to answer clearly, because the Ministry of Education is currently facing many problems.
In today’s Vietnamese education, falsehood, fake knowledge, fake diplomas, etc have spread everywhere. There are many schools that offer diploma services for officials so they have college degree before getting a high school diploma. The Dong Do University case was opened, however, the authorities’ ability to open it was also limited. Because if you unearth it all, it will reveal countless officials who are riding on people’s heads with fake diplomas. Dangerous for an education when it gives degrees for stupid officials.
The fact that the budget for the police is too large compared to the budget for education has been mentioned in many news reports. However, that is only one aspect to show that Vietnamese education has to take money from students’ parents.
Vietnamese have to pay high for the low-quality education, an education that is devoid of philosophy, inhumanity, and a tool for the ruling party.. The most painful thing is, this education has legitimized the ignorant officials into those with advanced degrees to ride the top of the people. So it is unclear how can Vietnam “go side by side” with world powers of the five continents? It’s ironic.
Thoibao.de (Translated)