Through the management of the Communist Party, in recent years, real estate prices in Vietnam have increased like a rocket, while wages have increased incrementally. In 2018, the average Vietnamese person had to work for 35 years without eating to be able to buy a house. Only 4 years later, in 2022, it will take Vietnamese people 57 years of working without spending for the same purpose. In just 4 years, real estate prices have consumed more 22 years of people’s work.
The higher the land price, the more the Party’s greed increases, and thus, they try to steal people’s land even more. The higher the official position, the more he wants to rob land. After robbing the people’s land, they will make a project and make a policy to pour money into that project, so the money will go into the officials’ pocket. That is the Communist government’s process of stealing land for profit. The Thu Thiem incident is just a small example, among examples of the government’s policy of blatantly stealing people’s land for profit.
On June 29, people living around the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security at 44 Yet Kieu, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City, panicked when they received a notice from the People’s Committees of Hai Ba Trung District and Hoan Kiem District about taking people’s real estate to expand the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security.
Households from house number 94 to house number 126 Nguyen Du Street, households from house number 01 to house number 37 Hang Long Lane and households from house number 151 to house number 175 Le Duan Street are in the affected area. In all, there are more than 130 households and 3 businesses, belonging to Residential Group No. 8, Nguyen Du Ward, Hai Ba Trung District and Cua Nam Ward, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi City. It is known that of these, up to 98% of households have land use rights certificates.
After sending the 9-day notice, the People’s Committee of Nguyen Du ward and the Project Board sent staff to impose pressure on the people, measure and count real estate. This “backhanded” action by the government has made the people whose land was confiscated extremely upset and indignant. Of course, they strongly objected.
Refusing to back down, on August 11, the People’s Committee of Nguyen Du ward and the Project Board sent a large force, including police, militia, youth union, etc., to force measurement and counting. Most households locked their doors to prevent officials from entering their homes to measure, and people flocked to the alley to protest fiercely.
People wear red T-shirts with the words “Do not take land from the people” printed on it. They raised banners “The land of Le Duan, Nguyen Du, Hang Long alley is not national defense and security land“, “The people of Hang Long alley, Le Duan, Nguyen Du oppose taking our land to expand the headquarters.”
Despite fierce opposition from the people, it seems that Minister of Public Security To Lam still does not reconsider whether the decision to expand the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security is legal and pleasing to the people. As the agency that holds the sword of the regime, they will never back down before the people.
Recently, a group of households whose land was stolen by the Ministry of Public Security filed a complaint and sent it to Tran Sy Thanh – Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee, for his consideration.
But with the Ministry of Public Security’s land being taken away and a complaint filed with Tran Sy Thanh, it seems difficult for him to get involved.
In Vietnam, the Communist Party stipulates that “land is owned by the entire people and managed by the state.” This has been legalized, and it has caused injustice to countless families across the country. The Communist Party took a virtual object, without legal status, called “the entire people” to deprive the people of their land ownership rights. This allows the Party to arbitrarily steal land from the people.
Currently, people around the headquarters of the Ministry of Public Security are victims, and in the future, more people will become victims of the Party.
In this country, any person can become an unjust citizen.
Thoibao.de (Translated)