The phrase “cadres are servants of the people” that Vietnamese communist founder Ho Chi Minh expressed is the most brazen demagogy, it was born when the Communist Party took power.
To know whether a cadre is a “servant” of the people or not, just go to a public agency and get the paperwork done. There has never been a country where “national rules” are one way, “local rules” are another, competing to torture people like this country – the country that calls itself “Socialist paradise.”
Greed is often associated with evil, both for people and political parties. There are few places in the world where human rights are disregarded like in Vietnam, and there are few places where official corruption is as high as in Vietnam. When the Party is greedy, the Party needs a huge police apparatus to rule the people. When officials steal and even rob the people, the giant police apparatus will keep the people docile without objection. Since it is a police state, then that state must be very cruel to the people.
Unfortunately for the Vietnamese people, the Communist Party treats people like animals. They use all the hard work of the people to support the Party and the officials. When people are dissatisfied, they use the “police rule” whip to whip it until it hurts so the people will shut up. The Vietnamese people are living under the rule of the Vietnamese people, which is as terrible as the colonialists.
The Communist Party is likened to a hundred-armed monster. The hand exploits, the hand covers the mouth, the hand holds the whip and whips the people, etc., but the Party’s mouth speaks morality. Hasn’t it been that for more than 7 decades, the Party has always promoted the phrase “cadres are servants of the people“? Isn’t it true that the Party still says “our state is a state of the people, by the people and for the people“? And isn’t it true that the Party talks about all kinds of ethics, which are “Revolutionary ethics” and which are “Ho Chi Minh’s ethics“? But let’s ask, are there any officials with “morality“?
The morality of Communists is just hypocrisy. Are there any party members who live with integrity? The salary is modest but to get into the state apparatus, you have to spend hundreds of millions for lowly employee positions, billions for seats that can extort money from the people or the state, and millions of dollars on some famous posts. Didn’t former National Assembly member Chau Thi Thu Nga run up to VND30 billion for the National Assembly but could only nod? So, how much they have to pay for more powerful positions, like ministers?
With the nature of having power to extort money to get rich, officials – if not thieves, are also bandits. Let’s ask, are there any poor officials? Even the head of the residential group still tries to nibble on it. It’s not unusual for ward and commune officials to have high-rise houses and cars, even though the official’s salary is only enough to pay for gas for the car, not even enough for maintenance and car repair.
With the way they behave, whenever they have a bit of power, they show off their power and like to torment the people, then they are not servants at all but people who abuse the people.
On December 13, Tien Phong newspaper had an article “‘Leaders are like father and mother, if siblings lean on them if they are weak, they will also fall.” For a long time, the Party wore the mask of “servant of the people” but now, they no longer need to wear it. When they take off their masks, of course they show their mouse faces, with the nature of wanting to be the parents of the people.
That has been true for more than 7 decades and the Communist Party should also play cards with the people. Let’s call the people “ordinary people” or “the lowly people” to be true to their nature. Why wear a mask all the time? People know it all.
Thoibao.de (Translated)