Is State President Thuong involved in arrest of Chief of  Mang Thit District Party Committee Office?

Days before the police detained Deputy Secretary of Quang Ngai province Dang Van Minh and former Chairman of the People’s Committee of Quang Ngai province Cao Khoa, as well as Secretary of Vinh Phuc province Hoang Thi Thuy Lan and Chairman of Vinh Phuc province People’s Committee Le Duy Thanh, Vietnam’s state-controlled media has loudly reported on Phuc Son Group’s investment projects as well as its violations in Quang Ngai province and Vinh Phuc province. Therefore, public opinion was not surprised because the reason for the arrest was clear.

Vietnam’s state-controlled media reported that “Dang Trung Hoanh, Chief of the Office of the District Party Committee of Mang Thit district at the police agency”

But the surprise was the arrest of the Chief of the District Party Committee Office of Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province, Dang Trung Hoanh. Hoanh was also arrested yesterday (March 8) with the four people mentioned above, also in the Hau “Cannon” case, but people do not know the specific reason why, because until today (March 9), there is absolutely no information about any investment project of Phuc Son Group (as well as its affiliated companies) in Mang Thit District (Vinh Long province), where the jurisdiction can affect courtesy of Dang Trung Hoang, Chief of this District Party Committee Office. Even in the entire Vinh Long province, there is not a single investment project.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Security only said that Dang Trung Hoanh, Chief of the District Party Committee Office of Mang Thit district, Vinh Long province was arrested for the crime of “Abusing influence over people with positions and powers to profiteering” stipulated in Clause 3, Article 366 of the Criminal Code.

According to a leaked source from within the Party that received, Hau “Phan” gave the Chief of the Mang Thit District Party Committee Office “VND60 billion to build Thuong’s ancestral temple.” “To Lam was said to have grasped all the evidence.”


It is known that during Vo Van Thuong’s time as Secretary of Quang Ngai, Phuc Son Group was able to implement the project on the south bank of Tra Khuc River (now Truong Sa Road), more than 8.7 km long, with a total capital of VND999 billion, connecting Tra Khuc 2 bridge to Dung Quat-Sa Huynh coastal road. According to the notice of inspection conclusion in September 2015 of the Government Inspectorate, the above project was “problematic” and wasted more than VND11.3 billion. does not have the conditions to verify the above news. Maybe in the near future the police will give a reason for arresting Mr. Dang Trung Hoanh that is different from the reason mentioned above. It could very well be the opposite if General Secretary Trong “nods” to To Lam…


Le Anh –